Our Work:
Landlord-Tenant Rights

Mediation Services
Free mediation services may be available for eviction cases in the pro se eviction docket (where neither tenants nor landlords have attorneys) in St. Louis County Circuit Court since 2018 and in the St. Louis City Circuit Court since 2009 with volunteer lawyers and law students.
Mediation in eviction cases is directly relevant to preventing evictions and reducing the burden on the courts of an expected sharp increase in eviction filings. With over a decade of experience, we know that 75% of mediated eviction cases settle, decreasing the overall number of eviction judgments by more than 40%.
In the City of St. Louis, mediations are now offered through the Conflict Resolution Center (httpss://www.stlresolutioncenter.org/). Learn more on their website or by calling (314) 255-7449.
Tenant Education / Homeless Prevention Counseling
We educate tenants in St. Louis City and County on their rights under both Missouri Landlord – Tenant Law and the Fair Housing Act. If a tenant is having difficulties with their rental situation, EHOC Tenant Advocates can help them to understand their options and overcome barriers to maintaining safe and affordable housing. We do not generally provide legal representation to tenants unless there is a fair housing or housing discrimination issue.
EHOC is not accepting new inquiries at this time.